Munich Security Conference
The Munich Security Conference (MSC) is the world’s leading forum for debating international security policy. During the main conference in February, the MSC assembles more than 450 high-profile and senior decision-makers as well as thought-leaders from around the world, including heads of state, ministers, leading personalities of international and non-governmental organizations, high-ranking representatives of industry, media, academia, and civil society, to engage in an intensive debate. To learn more about the MSC please visit
International Law Forum
The International Law Forum (ILF) is an official side event within the framework of the MSC. It is hosted by Seven Summits Arbitration and will take place on 13 February 2020 from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm at Munich’s storied Literaturhaus. The ILF is dedicated to legal issues involved in debates on current geopolitical developments. Its aim is to foster a high-level dialogue on the role of international law and dispute resolution in enhancing peace and prosperity. The focus of the 2020 edition will be on world trade law, investment protection and international dispute resolution.